Author: Hans Magnus Enzensberger (****)
Robert, a twelve-year-old boy, hates math.
He used to have bad dreams about sliding down an endless slide and being swallowed by a fish.
But all the sudden the number devil appears in his dreams. The number devil explains him how useful and fascinating math can be.
He always appears in other places like the grass, the forest, the beach, the cave, the school or the desert.
The book is actually about important things in math, that you learn when you are twelve-years-old.
The best part was when the number devil tried to make Robert understand the hopping numbers by using rabbit.
I like the book, because it has many beautiful and colorful pictures, that made me understand the book better.
I appreciated your last comment, Emma, the pictures help you understand the book better. Does this mean it helps you with math?
Is this from the library? I'd like to take a look at The Number Devil.
Did this book make you like math better? I was never very good at math, but i wish I was better at it! Maybe this book could help me?
I think it is smart that you used the pictures to help you understand, that's a good strategy.
Ms Schwarzkopf
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