This is is my cat Maxi, she looks soooo cute. I think she feels comfortable with these stuffed animals. Maxi has a sister that she lives with. Her sisters name is Felix. Felix is a bit older than Maxi and they both are five years old. Our friends had these cats before and after they had them three years they had to leave Jakarta and we took the cats. I am sooo glad that I finally have a picture of Maxis face. It's hard to take a picture of both of the cats. It's because they move too much or don't look in the camera.

The yellow colored circle shows my house on the model. It feels weird to see my house in a very small way. Actually my house looks slightly different in real. I don't only mean that in real life it's bigger, but also that we did some renovation in the front and the model is an old one. That's why it looks that different.
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