I used to live in Kemang. I never realised, but that place brings back many memories.
Whenever my friend Clara came over, we used to play in the garden that we called "The big garden of secrets". It didn't belong to the compound anymore. It was separated by a wall with metallic, gate like, parts. Behind that wall was a big bush. Actually we weren't allowed in there, but we still went in. Not through the main gate of it , but over the wall. We always checked if the guards weren't watching, and when they weren't, we climbed the metal part of the wall. No we were stuck between wall and bush. Clara and I walked along the wall, looking for a thin part to go through. When we did find a good spot we went through. We were a little scratched after that, but not that bad. There was this maze like thing in the middle of the garden. My friend Clara and I marked our places there. (I don't mean that we marked it like a dog would, but we carved things in somewhere, so we would have these places for ever.) We marked our base, bathroom and picnic place. There also was this big house, that I still don't know what it really is. Anyway, once the gate inside was open, and take one guess, what did we do next?
We went in. On the lowest floor we found something like an inside garden. A women came out of one door, so we hid in the garden as fast as we could. After she was gone we went up the stairs and then saw more rooms. It kind of looked like an abandoned hotel. Then in a sudden a guard came out of a door. Clara and I ran downstairs and out of the building. To be sure the guard wouldn't see us, we ran behind a bush,which was our hiding place that we made up. I don't know if it really was a guard, but it looked like one. Then there was this street that led us to a rusty door. At that time both Clara and I were so eager to see what's behind the rusty door. I tried to open it , but it just wouldn't. Then we had another plan, we wanted to crush the door. On three we ran against it and the rusty old door fell with a loud "CRASH". On our surprise nobody noticed or heard that we did that. I found that pretty weird, because the crash was so loud that anyone could here. Now we were standing behind the hotel like house we were in before. There was this hill like thing that we walked along. I wondered where this would lead us. We went through many doors and past big trees. Finally it ended and we saw a big pool. That's when a flashback ran through my head. My brother and me were playing soccer once.and then suddenly the ball flew over a wall and all we heard from it was a silent "SPLASH". The ball was gone.
Now I was starting to walk closer to the green looking pool. That's when I saw the ball. Just then I realised where we were. We were behind that wall, where the ball had fallen over. The garden we now were standing in felt like a jungle. Bushes, trees and flowers were everywhere. The were other kinds of plants hanging down from the trees. I took the ball and then suddenly saw the darkness all around me. It was starting to get six o'clock. I should be heading home now. We tracked back all the way with the ball in my hands. It was not far,but it felt like it in the darkness. Then we had to climb the metal part of the wall again and that's when we both started running towards home to eat dinner. I think that that was such an awesome day. Thank god Clara was with me. Without her I wouldn't even dare do this. And then this adventure would never have happened. I would love to do this even alone, but I'd be scared to death. That day we decided to tell nobody about "The big garden of secrets". And we didn't. We didn't even write it down. It was only in our memories.
But I just told the story to you. Oh well, I hope no other person would care if we did.
That is definitely something I'll never forget! :-)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ask any question vs. Lie

There are multiple reasons for that.
1. You will know the truth to any question you ask about people.
2. If my parents are in their room, I come and ask, "What are you talking about?" they only answer, "About something that you don't need to know about." In these moments they will then have to tell me the truth.
3. You can find out true facts from people. (Not about people, but the world)
4. I don't spread secrets. So if they will have to tell me their secret, I would know it, but nobody else. (Except for the person who told me the secret)
5. I Could even ask the most embarrassing things and get the correct answer.
6. When I ask people what grades they got they mostly would lie. But if I have the ability to ask any question and get the answer, they will tell me the truth.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Jonas's journal
Jonas: Receiver of memories (How strange)
The ceremony of twelve has come. Everything went normally until it was my turn. The chief Elder has skipped me. Have I done something wrong? The chief Elder never makes mistakes.
Finally it was my turn. How could I have been skipped? I got chosen, well not chosen but selected, to be the next receiver of memories. I didn't know how I'm supposed to feel about that. The rules say that I may lie. What will happen if I do wrong?
7 Element of advertising
Music note
By Sony walkman
1. Symbolism: When something stands for something else in the ad.
2. Camera angle: It's how & where the camera stands. In this ad it is at eyelevel, so you look straight at it.
3. Layout and Graphics: It should drag attension.
4. Body language: How the model is placed. I would say there is no model in here.
5. Lighting & color: This should atract people. In this advertisement the inner side of it is lighter than the outside, making us first look at the more important thigs.
6. Beauty & social standing: It just simply is how the model looks and stands. This ad doesn't have a model.
7. Special effects: It just is anything special added by computer or camera. This entire ad is made by computer and camera. So that would be everything.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fance Hat
Target audience: 60 and above
-Looks good
-Shows atention
-Doesn't blow away
Are you someone who is looking for a fancy perfect hat? Then the Fance hats are exact6ly what youre looking for. We have many different colors and desines, do not fall off when the wind blows. Get your hat fast, because they are running out soon!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Giver Summary in 20 words
It's about a boy called Jonas. In the evening he tells his parents that he's apprehensive about being a twelve.
Sunday, April 18, 2010

- Crime: Fake kidnapping
- Detectives: Sean and Gus
- Witnesses: Camden's dog
- Villain: Mr. McCallum
- Investigators: Police, Sean and Gus
- Victims: Camden, McCallum and Malcom Orso
- Clues: Dogs bloody whiskers, Photos in Katrina's bedroom and Interviews
- Evidence: Camden's and Malcom's dead bodies, Coffee mug is on the floor, Blood on the corner of the table,gun carefully placed in Malcom's hand, dog bite medication and Mr. McCallums "cut" wrist
- Red Herring: Bag with imprints from the ransom money that ends up being filled with Katherine's clothes for the thrift store, gun in Malcom's hand
- Sense of Danger: Sean explaining what he has seen to Mr. McCallum and when the Chief to see Mr. McCallums "injury" on the driveway
- Surprise Ending: Mr. McCallum killed his own son and when Sean thought it was Malcom
Sunday, April 11, 2010
6 elments of a mystery
The bad guy in a mystery that does the crime.
This is evidence because the detective can use it to come closer to solving the crime and it's different than a clue.
Mr. Monk and the voodoo curse

It started with kids playing baseball and when one kid hit the ball it acsidently hit a women. When the family found out they went to the womens house and found a package that had a voodoo doll in it. It looked just like women who got killed.
Then not long after a golfer got struckt by lightning and in the newspaper it said about a golfer beeing struck by a lightning. At that persons house was a package too with a voodoo doll that looked just like the person who got struckt by a lightning.
Not long after that another person died and received a voodoo doll. During the whole time Monk tried to find the killer but it was hard because he couldn't find enough clues.
When he came home from the place the 3rd victim died, he saw Natalie sitting on the stairs and crying. When Monk asked why she was crying she said that she also received a voodoo doll and thought that she was going to die too. That night she couln't sleep because she was scared that someone is going to come and cut her head off.
The voodoo doll seller came and wanted to help Natalie. That momngelent she drank something she wasn't sepose to drink. Monk then called 911 which was an ambulance. In the ambulance Angeline tried to kill Natalie. Monk and the voodoo doll seller folowed the ambulace the whole time. Then Monk saw that Angeline was the same paramedic as the one in the newspaper about the golfer beeing struckt py a lightning. Then Monk asked the voodoo doll seller if Angeline had bought any of the voodoo dolls and the answer was yes.
Monk had found the villain. It was Angeline because she was involved in all of the dead people. In the ambulance Angeline was now trying to kill Natalie, but luckily Monk saved her before Angeline could kill Natalie. Then Angeline went to jail and Natalie was saved.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Plastiki is a boat made out of 12,500 recycled plastic bottles filled with air. David de Rothschild came up with the idea to build this awesome Plastiki boat. Not the entire boat is made out of plastic, but only the bottom part that it floats on.
The goal was to ride the Plastiki from San Francisco to Sydney. That is 11 miles of travel. It took them 3 years to build the boat.
David de Rothschild wanted to surprise people that it is possible to make a boat out of many recycled bottles.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
New vocabulary definitions
Cask: A wooden barel or container
Cynical: Complainer, Have a negative atitude
Provision: Supplies (meals)
Subvert: Make things not work
Accumulate: Gathering up, getting more of
Congregade: Coming together
Ominous: A signal that something will happen
Contradict: Going against, disagree, talk back
Flabbergast: Amaized, astonished
Cynical: Complainer, Have a negative atitude
Provision: Supplies (meals)
Subvert: Make things not work
Accumulate: Gathering up, getting more of
Congregade: Coming together
Ominous: A signal that something will happen
Contradict: Going against, disagree, talk back
Flabbergast: Amaized, astonished
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why is Haiti so poor? - Haiti History
1) The Haitian Population doesn't have gread industry skills, thats why, Haiti wasn't alowed to trade with the rest of the world.
2) There isn't alot of coherant cash crop in Haiti since the plantations were seperated into individual land parcals.
3) In the 17th and 18th centuries, Haiti was one of the richest countries in the world.
4) Most of the population works in the farming division.
5) Two thirds of the population is living of subsidence farming are vulnerable to tropical storms that ruin their crops and erode the land.
6) Haiti has been a big victim of hurricanes since 2008.
7) Haiti was a considerable lack of human natural resources.
8) Haiti doesn't trade with other polity outside the country a lot.
9) Not a lot of industries are found around Haiti, so to make money, most citizens must sell old clothes, soap and pencils.
10) 80% of the population is living in poverty.
2) There isn't alot of coherant cash crop in Haiti since the plantations were seperated into individual land parcals.
3) In the 17th and 18th centuries, Haiti was one of the richest countries in the world.
4) Most of the population works in the farming division.
5) Two thirds of the population is living of subsidence farming are vulnerable to tropical storms that ruin their crops and erode the land.
6) Haiti has been a big victim of hurricanes since 2008.
7) Haiti was a considerable lack of human natural resources.
8) Haiti doesn't trade with other polity outside the country a lot.
9) Not a lot of industries are found around Haiti, so to make money, most citizens must sell old clothes, soap and pencils.
10) 80% of the population is living in poverty.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti earthquake part 2

Rescuers are now searching for the victims from the earthquake. They use rescue dogs, the dogs smell the people and help the rescuers to find victims. The aids use video cameras to search for people in the ground.If there is anyone in a collapsed building and is stuck, buggers rescue them from the pieces of the collapsed building. Aids can't hear anything if people try their best to scream for help, but are too quite to hear. For that they use an equipment to hear sounds louder. Haiti is a poor country. They only have weak buildings, which are not that heavy if they fall on you. There is a bigger chance that aids will find alive people that were in these buildings than in cement buildings.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti Earthquake

A major earthquake hit Haiti on the 12/1/10 at 5pm local time. There were over 1000 feared dead in the 7.0 magnitude. It was the most powerful earthquake to hit Haiti in more than 200 years. It's epicenter was only 16km from the capital Port-au-Prince. Aftershocks went through out the night and Wednesday. It's power was 5.9 magnitude. Experts said that the epicenter was very shallow at a depth of 10km. The earthquake ruined the presidents palace, but the president has been saved.
On the map at the right the red places mean that the earthquake was heavy as in the capital Port-au-Prince. The yellow spots are from strong to severe and the green and blue areas are from weak till moderated.
Monday, January 11, 2010
My Holidays
Snow fun - I went skiing in Finkenberg which is in Austria. I had much fun skiing. Not only skiing was great, but also playing in the snow that started to melt the second day I was in Finkenberg. My brother joined me in the snowball fight I had with a tree. My bother and I had lots of fun with the snow. Unfortunately it was gone on the third day. We could just use the snow that on the top of a hill that we were skiing on. The day before we left it stated to snow.
Family - This year we weren't that much with the family, but we were. We met my grandparents and other relatives. We only one friend of mine, but not more. I got presents from everyone and enjoyed my short time with the family.
Christmas - I would say that Christmas is the highlight for many of us in the holiday. Well to me it wasn't. My highlight was the skiing. Christmas was good too thought. Right when we came home from skiing we got a Christmas tree that we could decorate and use, because we had no Christmas decorations in the house we were staying. My brother and I decorated it and then we went to a hotel to eat. We ate fish like always. It's just our tradition to eat vegetarian food at lunch (small meal) and then a big fish to share in the evening. Actually you shouldn't eat any meat at that day only in the evening. Before we eat we watch kids singing Christmas song near the church that is opposite the hotel we were eating. When we ate and came back to the house we opened our Christmas presents and talked together for a while. It was a good time celebrating Christmas.
Family - This year we weren't that much with the family, but we were. We met my grandparents and other relatives. We only one friend of mine, but not more. I got presents from everyone and enjoyed my short time with the family.
Christmas - I would say that Christmas is the highlight for many of us in the holiday. Well to me it wasn't. My highlight was the skiing. Christmas was good too thought. Right when we came home from skiing we got a Christmas tree that we could decorate and use, because we had no Christmas decorations in the house we were staying. My brother and I decorated it and then we went to a hotel to eat. We ate fish like always. It's just our tradition to eat vegetarian food at lunch (small meal) and then a big fish to share in the evening. Actually you shouldn't eat any meat at that day only in the evening. Before we eat we watch kids singing Christmas song near the church that is opposite the hotel we were eating. When we ate and came back to the house we opened our Christmas presents and talked together for a while. It was a good time celebrating Christmas.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
At my Grandparents from my fathers side
For the next two days we are staying at my grandma from my fathers side. The first night we opened our presents. I got a puzzle and some other things. I was happy to see my grandparents again. We mostly just stayed in the house. Exept one day we went to the city. We were only short, because we still had other people to visit and we didn't have much time till we had to go back to Jakarta. We just met one other person here. In the evening of the second day we left back to Vienna.
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