Rescuers are now searching for the victims from the earthquake. They use rescue dogs, the dogs smell the people and help the rescuers to find victims. The aids use video cameras to search for people in the ground.If there is anyone in a collapsed building and is stuck, buggers rescue them from the pieces of the collapsed building. Aids can't hear anything if people try their best to scream for help, but are too quite to hear. For that they use an equipment to hear sounds louder. Haiti is a poor country. They only have weak buildings, which are not that heavy if they fall on you. There is a bigger chance that aids will find alive people that were in these buildings than in cement buildings.
Emma, napisala si to velmi pekne
Emma, the quality of your writing is really improving. Your blog now are so, so much better written than the posts from the beginning of the year. All the effort and practice you've been putting in has made a huge difference in your skills.
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