Friday, October 14, 2011

Manning Gorge to Derby

In the morning, after we've had breakfast, we were ready to hit the road again. But first we needed to get some water for our water tank. That's when we discovered a flat tire. We had no spare this time. So our only choice was to fix it. Luckily there were two older people who helped us fix the tire. They used this weird sticky thing. I have no idea what it was. But at least it was ready to be used again after that. We had to stop at a tank station that had a car repair center. The outback kind. My mom, brother and I got an ice cream while we were waiting for the new tire. With our new tire on, we were all set to continue to Derby.

Bell Gorge had a waterfall, which was nice to look at. I feel really bad for not swimming towards it now that I'm writing this. The hike was short and fun to do. Not that tiring, but we did have to scramble up some rock on our way back. There was moss all around the rocks in the water there. I had a hard time getting out, due to the slipperiness of the rocks.
Bell Gorge waterfall

We slept at the same park as last time. In Kimberly Caravan Park. Even our spot was pretty much the same. We just moved over by one spot to the right. The good thing is that we were right in front of the bathroom. We didn't have to walk that far in the dark to get there.

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